YouTube Complicit In The Censorship Of Important Health Information!
They Don't Want You To Know about SV-40!
YouTube sent me an email yesterday informing me that they arbitrarily pulled down a video I had posted there 6 YEARS AGO for allegedly violating their sketchy “medical misinformation policy”. The video in question, I had titled, “Merck Pharmaceutical knowingly put out vaccines with cancer causing viruses in them”. The video shows the testimony of Dr. Maurice Hilleman, the former head of Merck Pharmaceutical’s vaccine division. He candidly talks about how their polio vaccines were routinely contaminated with SV-40 (Simian Virus 40), a known carcinogenic pathogen linked to various CANCERS, and possibly AIDS.
He also acknowledged that they knew it was in there, but because they had so much money invested into the vaccine, they put it to market anyway. It is an indisputable medical fact that this did indeed really happen, and has been acknowledged by the medical mainstream. There is absolutely no “misinformation” in this video, it is an ESTABLISHED MEDICAL FACT! YouTube is actively involved in DIGITAL CENSORSHIP that circumvents the prospect of INFORMED CONSENT, and is therefore complicit in causing POTENTIAL HARM to human beings. THIS IS CRIMINAL! Dr, Maurice Hilleman was a respected authority in vaccine science, and this testimony is damning of the processes of vaccine development. Here is the email YouTube sent me concerning this.
This is just a taste of the coming DIGITAL CENSORSHIP. Now that YouTube has begun dumping this important information down the proverbial digital memory hole, other platforms will follow suit. We must not allow this to happen. Attached is the video itself, please feel free to download and/or share this video far and wide before the “Ministry of Truth” makes it disappear forever. Here is the video:
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