Yaknehaz... Follow The Rabbit Trail...
The Year Of The Rabbit Shifts From The East To The Middle East...
Earlier this year, I wrote an article detailing the importance of the Chinese Year of the Rabbit as an important programming motif and blueprint for things to come. In the original article, I made a few predictions based upon the “synchromystic metadata” present in the mass media narratives that were being shared by mainstream press and entertainment sources. It turns out, it would appear I was correct. I will provide links to the original article at the end of this follow-up article. Since the writing of the original article, many new events have come to pass that reify the assertions that I made. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the premise that I have postulated, a brief synopsis might be necessary. After spending countless years studying the esoteric and occult aspects of the various secret society groups (or mystery schools), I began to be able to reverse-engineer a number of their secret communication techniques. They refer to this secret form of communication by a number of different names. It is alternately called, “the green language”, “the language of the birds”, and “the phonetic cabala”, among other things. It uses archetypes, symbols, art, and myths to plan and communicate hidden ideas in the plain sight of “the profane” (that’s you and me). These various, seemingly unrelated elements, when paired with the proper context clues, begin to form a pattern or common theme. It is often extremely difficult to ascertain the pattern without the proper cypher or blueprint. The disparate information populates many different facets of society and culture around us. Some of the favored vehicles for the expression of this meta-communication are news and entertainment media, as well as social media. I have termed these seemingly disparate bits of information, “synchromystic metadata”. Once you can connect the dots between these synchromystic bits of information, a clearer picture begins to emerge. Because of the subjective nature of this synchromystic metadata, it takes a bit of practice and intuition to begin to decipher the intended communication. You need to be able to proverbially “think outside the box”. Oftentimes, it is like following a trail of breadcrumbs to find the destination, to use the allegory of a commonly recognized fairy tale. It certainly helps to be able to recognize the repetitive cues that infer the cypher you need to use to follow the trail. That leads us to The Year of the Rabbit. I recognized this trope as the cypher to decode the messaging and programming template for this year, 2023. There were three main symbols that stood out that served as roadmaps to navigate the landscape. The rabbit, the moon, and China (or, more broadly interpreted, “The East”). I would highly suggest that you review my original article on this for more context, but suffice it to say, that, having recognized the template, I was able to piece together an overall theme for transformation this year, and map out approximate dates (within 7-10 days) for big events to occur. Little did I realize at the time, that these dark occultists who run things, were going to switch templates at the start of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah - Sep 15 through Sep 17), and not wait for the Chinese New Year again to reset agendas in preparation for 2024, The Year of the Dragon… A mere 22 days later (October 7), the shift was made from “The East” to “The MiddleEast”. The War in Ukraine (The East) was quickly replaced with a different kind of War in Israel. The most interesting part of all of this is that this was all outlined in the “Year of the Rabbit” programming, if you can follow the proverbial (and literal) rabbit trail. This brings us to the notion of “Yaknehaz”, explained below:
The Hare-Hunting Haggadot
There is a mnemonic to help remember the sequence of events when the Pesach Seder (The Passover), or another festival is held on Saturday night (just as Rosh Hashanah was in 2023): YaKNeHaZ
Yayin (wine)
Kiddush (sanctification)
Ner (light the candles by transferring from an existing flame, such as from a yahrzeit candle, and say l'hadlik ner shel yom tov)
Havdalah (In this case, one does not repeat the blessing over wine, which was said in Kiddush, nor the blessing over spices, because the chag continues, but only over the fire. There is a special version of the Havdalah berachah, which ends ha-mavdil bein kodesh l'kodesh.)
Z'man (Shehecheyanu)
The mnemonic YaKNeHaZ sounds somewhat similar to a German expression (jag den Has) which means "hunt the hare" and for this reason, some medieval haggadot were decorated with a picture of a rabbit-hunting scene.
Here is an example from a haggadah published in Prague in 1526:
Commentary by Rabbi Fred Davidow: The scene is an allegory. Our history is the history of an escaped people. In the Augsburg Haggadah of 1534 there are two scenes of Jagen-has. The first shows the hare being hotly pursued by dogs and a hunter. The hare is being chased toward a net and the outcome seems that the hare will be caught in the net and then savagely attacked.
In the second scene, at the last moment, the net miraculously lifts up, the hare goes through and with legendary speed, it outruns the dogs. (Thank goodness this hare did not look back and see that the dogs were slower and take a rest by the side of the road.) The hare as a symbol of the Jewish people in Haggadah illustrations has an interesting parallel in B'rer Rabbit of the Uncle Remus tales, who always manages by quick wits to thwart the designs of B'rer Fox and B'rer Bear to have him for supper. B'rer Rabbit can be interpreted as a symbolic representation of Negro slaves, who pictured themselves as outsmarting their white slavemasters. Jews could see themselves in Europe as rabbits that needed speed and agility (in Jewish terms, quick wits and/or stratagems) to avoid, as best as possible, anti-Semitic plans for their destruction. The Golem is a fantasy in the same vein. Eve Bunting wrote an allegorical children's story about the Holocaust, "Terrible Things," and it is Little Rabbit who survives. As for the rabbit being non-kosher, so is the lion, as in the Lion of Judah, which conveys a completely different image of the Jew from that of the hare.
Commentary by Rabbi Bernard Mehlman: The presence of the two plates for the first time in the Augsburg Haggadah may be an allegory on the fate of the Jews often persecuted at the Pesach/Easter season.
Commentary by Rabbi Amy Scheinerman: Rabbi Davidow's sense that the hunting scene is an allegory for Jewish history reminds me of the interpretation of Chad Gadya as an allegory of Jewish history. Moreover, the success of the hares in escaping their would-be captors reminds one of the sense of jubilation our ancestors must have felt after crossing through the Reed Sea and seeing their oppressors permanently separated from them and unable to reach them. The net renders the dogs and hunters unable to reach the hares. They look back and sing their own version of Shirat HaYam.
So, it would appear that the sequence of events that occurred throughout 2023 seems to align with the order of the ritual outlined above, represented by YaKNeHaZ (the rabbit), culminating at Passover of 2024 (Apr 22 - Apr 30), I’ll explain further in a moment. Let’s take a glimpse back at the events of 2023 to show what I am talking about. First, symbolically, Yayin (wine) could represent bloodshed, as we saw at the outset of the Chinese New Year, as pointed out in my original article. Next, Kiddush (sanctification) could represent the cleanup of the toxic train derailment, as mentioned in my original article. Next, Ner (light the candles by transferring from an existing flame) could represent the massive fires in Hawaii. Next, Havdalah (repeat the blessing over the fire) could represent a plethora of other wildfires that occurred in Greece and elsewhere afterwards. and, lastly, Z'man (Shehecheyanu) could represent the ultimate results of the conflict in Israel, which will likely come to a close sometime around the end of April or beginning of May (around the Passover, and, of course, Beltaine), wherein Israel (the Zionist political state) achieves victory and gives thanks that they are still alive (as this is what Shehecheyanu means). This is speculation on my part, and I do reserve the right to be totally wrong about that, but based upon the synchromystic metadata I just pointed out, I wouldn’t be surprised. We can already see the cue-up for some of these things in the ether, for example, this sudden emergence of “anti-semitism” that seems to be popping up all over the news media (and nowhere else). A major shift has occurred in the Zeitgeist (the spirit of the time), and we can now see that the programming template for 2024 will likely come from Jewish tradition or symbols (instead of China), and will likely use a lot of motifs from Kabbalah. The symbol of the dragon will still likely permeate much of entertainment media in the upcoming year, though. These dark occultists who plan these major world events love that archetype and will not pass on the opportunity to use it to influence the public mind. Attached is a link to my original article on the Year of the Rabbit.
The Importance Of The Year Of The Rabbit
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I'm really enjoying these written pieces - thank you Wayne.