The following is an excerpt from my book, “The Demic Of Pan: Breaking The Natural Order”:
The Book of Revelation describes a familiar story about how the Anti-Christ will rise to power, and how this Anti-Christ will establish total control over the masses.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
- Revelation 13:16-18 KJV
This infamous archetype has transcended time and culture to find renewed interest in the modern era. The mark of the beast has baffled scholars for centuries. It is only through the lens of the advent of modern technologies that much of its implications are understood.
A mark to buy or sell sounds like a biometric ID of some sort, perhaps a microchip, or a quantum dot, or a specialized barcode in the form of a tattoo that would be directly attached to each and every person. All of this would have to be tracked and monitored by an artificial intelligence control grid of some sort.
The technology to achieve such a feat is available right now, and there are real world plans to implement something very similar.
But, what would convince people to willingly participate in such a system? There would have to be a plausible reason for people to freely give away all of their information to a central data base, and want to prevent other people who are not registered in this system to be able to participate in commerce.
Theoretically, if people could somehow be convinced that those who aren’t registered in the database are a threat to the safety and well-being of the public, then they might be able to pull this off. Enter the corona pandemic narrative, an invisible threat that can only be dealt with through constant monitoring and testing, with the requirement of proof that you have been properly “protected” against it in the one and only approved manner. A “deadly” virus is the perfect guise for implementing this grand social engineering feat.
This sounds like wild speculation or a crazy conspiracy theory at first, but when you actually apply a little bit of logic and rhetoric to the conversation, you begin to see that this is a very realistic possibility. The technological infrastructure needed to effectively implement a central database containing every person’s data, biometric and otherwise, already exists.
The corona pandemic narrative gives the power structure justification for implementing this database. There are several key technologies that will comprise a big part of the network set-up necessary to make this whole thing operational. The components to it are all snapping into place as we speak.
First and foremost, there would be the need for a specific type of invasive medical delivery system in order to attach biometric information to the system.
This may involve some form of genomic sequencing. It may also involve some type of covert tracking or communication system that is capable of remote operation within living tissue. It’s true intention would likely have to be hidden from public scrutiny, or the people would refuse to comply. They only need to believe that it is for their own good, and that it is their only defense against the invisible threat.
If they believe that it is imperative to participate in this system for their survival and continued health, they will follow along with anything that they are told as long as the authority figure tells them that this is how it has to be in order to defeat this threat.
This delivery system is in active operation right now, under the façade of being a prophylactic medical treatment. They like to use the term “vaccine”.
In reality, it is a completely new, experimental genetic therapy designed to alter mankind in ways we don’t fully understand yet. This mass genetic experiment represents humanity’s first step into transhumanism. That is the real innovation in the works. We have had these technologies leveraged against us without proper informed consent of the consequences.
If it is truly about biometrically tagging people into a central identification system, wouldn’t there be some kind of evidence to suggest that this is the case? Yes, there is evidence, it has been introduced to the world as a project called ID2020[1].
It has been heavily touted as a “vaccine passport”, and will eventually tie together not just your medical information, but also your financial information, your bank account, and even your social credit score[2]. Vaccine passports are the first phase of an incremental plan to centralize all of the data of every human being into a single artificial intelligence control system. This system will become inescapable once it is fully implemented.
The second facet of this system has to do with resetting the monetary system to a strictly digital currency. Blockchain technology is a key component to this building this system. It is also a key component of the biometric tracking utility. Blockchain likewise will play an important role in tracking your social credit score.
This social credit score will be used as the ultimate control tool to keep people in line. The “proof of vaccination” concept is an integral part of the leadup to a social credit score. This has already taken the form of a “digital healthpass” application on cell phones. This is only one step away from something even more evasive.
Could this next step be an actual “mark of the beast”? There are currently two very provocative recent inventions that may need to be considered here.
The first innovation is the development of a quantum dot tattoo that can be used specifically to contain vaccination records and be injected just under the skin[3]. This was developed and introduced by Rice University in 2019 and was funded by the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation.
The second attention-getting innovation that could be used in conjunction with vaccines, and more specifically, with a biometrically attached social credit score system, is an international patent filed by Microsoft (under the leadership of Bill Gates) in March of 2020. It is called “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data”[4], and is utilized to harvest cryptocurrency on a blockchain utility as a reward system for a person with the microchip implanted in the body, or worn on the person, performing a specific action. Oh, and here’s the best part, the patent number is literally 060606…
Coincidence? Could this whole situation be an elaborate set-up to usher in “the mark of the beast”? It sure does look that way, doesn’t it?
As you can see, all of these different facets of this agenda demonstrate a notion of pre-planning, and additionally, they show intention. The intention is the really concerning principle here. The intention does not positively benefit the bulk of humanity, only a select few.
This is the rollout of a scientific dictatorship of sorts. An authoritarian technocracy is being built under the banner of “The Great Reset”, which is just another code name for what the dark occultists who run the show call, “The Great Work”.
Having put together these documented details of the policy planning or political side of this agenda, I think it is imperative that we now turn our attention back to the occult or esoteric side of the agenda once more.
A new mythology has been built around the “Corona”, one that invokes the archetype that I am calling the “Pan-Christ Dynamic”, but additionally, there are other archetypes becoming manifest through this transitional period. Archetypes that evoke transmutation, signaling the end of man, and his transformation into the “new” man, humanity 2.0, the transhuman are front and center in this new paradigm.
If you’ve been paying attention, and have eyes to see, they told you exactly what this was all about when they named the “Corona” myth, and they told us very clearly to:
C (See) Ovid…
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The Demic Of Pan: Breaking The Natural Order
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