In the world we live in, we often come across something that gives us an uneasy feeling. We can inherently recognize that something is wrong, but we can’t quite put our finger on it. This is a subtle concept used by the social engineers of this world to manipulate the human mind. It is a concept that is commonly referred to as “twilight language”, and it is a subtle programming motif that doubles as a hidden communication tool for those “in the know”. This tool is used to condition the public into accepting certain ideas or concepts prior to their full introduction into the real world. This mechanism is usually used in the entertainment media. They introduce various ideas or agendas in this way first, to condition the public into acceptance of it, and likewise to bypass the “free will” principle in the public consciousness. This is a type of engineering of consent, and a work around for various karmic principles. This methodology is called, “revelation of the method”, and is often referred to in some circles as, “predictive programming”. The concept incorporates the ideas of communication using the hidden language of symbology, with emotional manipulation of the masses to bypass critical thinking, thus inciting a “reactive” state in the public consciousness (fight or flight response). This can be used to steer public behavior in ways that support certain narratives or agendas. It often gives pre-echoes of things to come in the future, which we rarely recognize ahead of planned events. We usually only pick up on the subtle cues after the fact, with the benefit of hindsight. Only the social planners would be capable of recognizing the various tells in the entertainment media ahead of the event or narrative. We can use our intuition to detect that something is being communicated, but without the benefit of knowing the preplanned agenda, we often do not recognize what that is until after the fact. I hope this helps you to understand the nature of the social programming that goes on subtly around us. Below is a link to a video that provides a perfect example of this methodology and its implications. Cheers!
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