Transcripts For Bill Cooper's "Mystery Babylon" Series...
A PhD Level Course In Occult Philosophy...
If you want a better understanding of what is going on in the world today, this is an excellent place to start. This series can help to open your eyes to the hidden occult aspects of our reality. These transcripts are a valuable resource for understanding the core beliefs of the controllers of this world, and offer insights into the sources from which the powers that should not be derive their beliefs. I hope you find value in this offering…
The audio for each of these episodes is available in the archive here on Substack as well.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Wayne. I'm just peeking at Bill's biography and it's pretty juicy. I can't wait to find out (or surmise) how he broke through his very likely MK-ULTRA state of mind(s). Plus, the TOC looks fascinating.