The UAP (UFO) Agenda (Part 1)...
A Relevant Breakdown Of Current Events From Our 2019 Research...
Part 1 - UAP Agenda
Recent events that have come to light in the UFO research community seem to point to a specific social engineering agenda. We will examine these events, and point out the common sense approach to interpreting these events. These events have come to the attention of the mainstream media and are currently being pushed in mass media and popular culture as actual serious news items for the first time in recent memory. The events shaping the narrative are as follows:
In 2015, Tom Delonge (of Blink 182 fame) cofounds a company called "To The Stars Academy". He supposedly, by chance, is able to attend an employee party for the company Lockheed's "skunkworks" division. After hobknobbing with people at this party, he tells them of his idea to start a media company that will be used to disclose secret technologies to the public through an entertainment platform. He soon gets to attend meetings with all sorts of government contractors and intelligence personnel. He puts together a team of experts to help bring this project to fruition. According to Delonge, the reason that these people even gave him the time of day is because he could provide them a service that they had never had before, he could help them with their public image. (Apparently he thinks that these people have no input into the entertainment industry, and they don't know how to get their message across). The team Delonge has put together for this project is a who's who of military intelligence operatives and scientists with a lot of inside knowledge. Delonge believes that these people are interested in providing UFO "disclosure" to the public, and can only do so by developing these secret technologies on the public sector, and that is the mission of this group. It is important to keep in mind that, at its core, To The Stars Academy is an ENTERTAINMENT company. (We will discuss the team members here if time permits).
To The Stars Academy comes into the limelight on Dec. 16, 2017 when the New York Times breaks a story about the fact that the Defense Department allocated 22 million dollars to a program called AATIP (Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program). To The Stars Academy plays a key role in this story, they begin production of a series for the History Channel called "Unidentified" highlighting this story, and some defense department film footage of an object associated with the program. This object later becomes commonly known as the "Tic Tac" UFO by researchers. Public interest in the UFO phenomenon is renewed by this mainstream acknowledgment of the validity of the subject.
Concurrently, a film maker, with ties to some of Delonge's team, named Jeremy Corbell begins filming a documentary on UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar. Lazar's claims had a big effect on popular culture and the UFO research field in the 1980s. It can be correctly said that Bob Lazar is the reason why we have heard of the now famous Area 51. Is this a coincidence that a man who has remained silent for 30 years is now back in the public limelight at a specific time when a new demand for this information has been created in popular culture?
About a year ago, a "leaked" document that is attributed to having been in the possession of the now deceased Dr. Edgar Mitchell (of NASA fame) was disclosed to the public. This document is known as the "Wilson Leak". It is a detailed transcript of a conversation which reveals several key points to the UFO phenomenon and related government and corporate programs that supposedly "reverse engineer" some of these craft. The timing of this "leak" seems to "coincidentally" correspond to the timing of these other recent developments.
All of these events are coming to a head right now, being July of 2019, just in time for the 50th anniversary of the alleged Apollo 11 moon landing. Coincidence?
What is the narrative that all these concurrent events are pushing?
A) UFO's are a threat to national security.
B) The government knows for fact that there are "extraterrestrials" and has been reverse engineering their technology for decades with little or no success.
C) The military industrial complex had no choice but to keep these things secret from the public due to "national security" reasons, and are actually doing a the right thing to keep the public "safe" and avoid mass panic.
D) We can not duplicate this technology and are absolutely outmatched by the "extraterrestrials". This technology is like "magic" and is way beyond our ability to understand.
E) A fresh new investigation into the UFO phenomenon is necessary, and in fact, the term UFO needs to be "rebranded" as UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). This is the supposed moniker used by the military industrial complex to describe these things. As such, words have meaning, and I see this as a veiled use of language for karmic purposes. The subtlety in the language is this: by referring to this as AERIAL phenomenon, they are revealing a true thing while simultaneously misdirecting you, this denotes that these things do not leave earth's atmosphere, and thus are not true "spacecraft" in the way we are accustomed to thinking.
F) Things that the UFO research community has "known" and talked about for years is now being proven true, and this is ultimately leading to "disclosure" by governments.
Could this all be true? Are there really hostile aliens with fantastic technologies that we have no prayer of competing with out there? Or is there something else entirely going on? Do you want to believe?
In order to find answers to this unresolvable mystery, let's take a common sense approach to this subject by simply asking some simple appropriate questions, the right questions, not the questions that those pushing this narrative want you to concentrate on, and examining the answers to these questions.
A) Is there a common source or factor that is funneling out this information? Yes, the intelligence community and intelligence assets via multiple entertainment sources, most notably To The Stars Academy.
B) Is any information put forward by the intelligence community trustworthy? No, they have been known to infiltrate honest grassroots movements and hijack them in order to put out disinformation and squash or discredit anyone who questions their narrative.
C) Is the entertainment industry trustworthy? No, they are known to push agendas provided to them by the intelligence apparatus and disseminate propaganda, fake news, or false narratives, as well as to utilize their platform for social engineering programming.
D) Should we trust the words of known and proven liars? Probably not
E) Could they possibly be telling the truth this time? Not likely
F) Has something similar to this been done before? Yes
G) By whom? Intelligence assets planted within the UFO research community.
H) Who were these people? A group known as the "Aviary" infiltrated UFO groups, befriended fellow researchers, disseminated false information, set up legit researchers with disinformation, and covertly discredited whistleblowers. These people even got close to and involved with one of the big names circulating right now, Bob Lazar. This group all had special codenames, and knew a specific piece of information that they could relate to one another to prove that they were part of the "club", so they knew who was an operative and who was a mark.
I) What was this piece of information that was key to this group identifying their own? I once heard it disclosed in an interview many years ago that the "Aviary" knew that these alleged "back engineered" saucers that were tested in the desert never left the earth's atmosphere. I can't find any mention of this anywhere on the internet anymore, but it is something I distinctly remember.
J) Is that bit of information true? It's hard to say, but when you are talking about a technology that is not publicly disclosed (or may not exist in the first place), then the logical conclusion is that there is no evidence to suggest that these things have ever been to "space".
K) This leads to the next, and possibly the most important question, why would the intelligence apparatus go through the trouble to fabricate and disseminate the "alien" agenda? In order to adequately address this question, we need to take a look back through the acceptable history of not only social engineering science, but also the development of advanced technologies and sciences in the modern era to see if we can find a motive for the power structure to perpetuate this big lie. Let's start by briefly looking back at some of the work we did back in episode 128, the shifting of the Overton Window as it relates to capturing people's imaginations with the thought of an impending "alien" invasion narrative via H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" and Orson Welles' radio broadcast on Mercury Theatre, an admitted psyop perpetrated by the Princeton Radio Group.
L) Why create a fictitious terrifying scenario like this? The answer is to instill fear and create trauma.
M) Why instill fear and create trauma? It is a form of initiation, and leads to control over those initiated. The more profound the fear, the greater the control. What greater fear than fear of an unknown power completely "alien" to and "superior" to us in every way. It almost denotes a religious connotation. This is a perversion of ancient alchemical concepts being used by the few at the top for the sake of controlling the many at the bottom. When people are waking up left and right to the false division/tribalism of the human condition, as well as the dogmatic thought of organized religion, a new "enemy" is needed in order to induce the proper fear state for control, so if there is not a true "enemy" to fill the bill, a new one will be invented.
N) But why specifically a UFO agenda? It all has to do with controlling the high ground. If they can control humanity's perception of, and access to "space" (or the denial thereof) , then they can effectively hide the true nature of where we live, and who we are. Those controlling access to this information can essentially be "gods" of this place. They are hiding our true nature (and possibly our creator) from us through this ruse, while simultaneously covering up their own access to powerful technologies that could help mankind discover their true nature and elevate spiritually to unknown heights.
O) Whatever the motivation, it is inarguable that the nature of our world and "space" is being purposefully misrepresented to us. We can demonstrate that a "stream" of hidden science has been moving concurrently in secret alongside what we know in the public sector as mainstream science, and that breakthroughs in this "black world" science can be directly related to this UFO/UAP agenda. Let's take a look at the hidden progress of the secret physics behind what is commonly called antigravity technology, the holy grail of energy science.
I hope you find value in this article. If You do, please consider supporting some of my other work. Links will be provided below. Thank you for reading. Cheers!
These research notes were used to produce Episode #169 of Crrow 777 Radio, the link is provided here:
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This is fascinating to read - thank you Wayne 👍😀