Politics is an ugly business. Our two party political system is nothing more than an illusion to convince you that you have some type of autonomy of choice. The two parties work together to maintain the facade of the exchange of power back and forth to appease the masses. In reality, they work together to achieve the same end goals, occasionally shifting up strategies on how to get there to keep the public buffaloed into believing that they have legitimate representation in Washington. The truth of the matter is this, the division we see between Democrats and Republicans is all a manipulation perpetrated by the real divide in this country, the “elite” class of the politically well-connected and the rest of us. It really is a division that equates down to that of the “ruling” class versus the “common” class. That is the sad reality of the political divide in our country. Democrat or Republican, it doesn’t matter, the system we have is designed based upon the concept of Hegelian Dialectic, if you control both sides of the argument, you have absolute control of the outcome of the argument. It’s as simple as that. Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his book, “Tragedy and Hope”, outlined very clearly the true nature of the political machinations of our nation. The political class was not happy with him writing this at the time, but they quickly realized that your average American would almost never pick up a book the size of “Tragedy and Hope”, much less actually read it. So, once again, this serves as an example of how the truth is readily put out there in the public sector for anyone to find, but the power structure expects, and counts on, the masses to keep themselves ignorant of these truths and absorbed with distractions of no real importance. Did you see the football game last night? Western culture has been programmed into a very much dumbed-down society, conditioned to accept the illusion of authority without question, and relegating our collective attention span down to the equivalent of that of a goldfish (ooh, shiny). additionally, emotional affrontations have been orchestrated against the masses to induce a state of “arrested development” into popular culture. This turn of events leaves your average citizen with the intellectual and emotional acuity of a twelve year old, thus conditioning them to be dependent upon an authority figure to make adult decisions for them. Therefore, the bulk of society outsources their responsibility and sovereignty to the political class, all in the name of convenience and expedience. This creates the perfect power dynamic for the political class, they are assured that the deluded masses will accept any dubious absurdity that the rulers promise them, and will never revolt when the ultimate failure to deliver on those promises fails, because you see, they have the perfect excuse clause built right into the system; “ I tried my best to get that bill passed, but those lousy (Republicans/Democrats) blocked it…” And the cycle continues over and over until our human rights and personal wealth are totally gone, in the name of “the greater good” (as decided by “Big Brother”). I sincerely hope that you are not still vested in the two-party system, it is an illusion designed to vampirism your wealth and freedom. It’s time to recognize it for what it is and quit insisting that you have the ability to fix the problem by “voting the rascals out of office”. We have all seen how that works out in this totally rigged system, haven’t we? I hope you find value in this article. If you do, please consider checking out some of my other work, links will be provided below. Thank you for reading. Cheers!
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