You may have noticed that there are certain social motifs that have risen to prominence in our modern culture. Many of the ideas inherent in “political correctness” and the influences of “woke” culture have set up a stronghold in the public arena. What are these ideas and influences based upon? You may be surprised to find out that one of the guiding forces behind this push is a philosophy interchangeably known as “technofeminism” or “cyberfeminism”. These principles constitute what can be called the “spirit of the age”, or “zeitgeist”. The zeitgeist concept is derived from the archetypal myth representation that constitutes the essence of the activities of a time period. In our modern era, the precepts of the feminist movement have taken hold and merged themselves with cybernetic principles and methodologies to introduce the possibility of a new paradigm that can potentially change humanity on a fundamental level. Although this doesn’t sound like a bad thing on the surface level, there have been some concerning manipulations of key definitions and terms within this movement that are beginning to manifest in some very anti-human ways. When these kinds of manipulations go unchecked, it can cause severe ramifications within the overall zeitgeist. In order to better understand how these very positive sounding ideas, in theory, have been twisted into a negative manifestation in reality, we will need to show just a few examples of how some definitions that we think we understand have been distorted by the social engineering interests in this world. One obvious way in which this has manifest, is the vast amount of gender confusion we see in our society. Where does this confusion emanate from? Oddly enough, it is derived from the redefining of terms by some of those pushing the technofeminist paradigm. In her book, “A Cyborg Manifesto”, technofeminist and highly influential professor, Donna Haraway, redefines the term “feminism” as follows:
“To be feminized means to be made extremely vulnerable; able to be disassembled, reassembled, exploited as a reserve labor force; seen less as workers than as servers; subjected to time arrangements on and off the paid job that makes a mockery of a limited workday; leading an existence that always borders on being obscene, out of place, and reducible to sex.”
Haraway also further goes on to explain how technology can be used to “feminize” society (as per her definition above) and blur the lines of gender, race, and economic stability in a type of Neo-Marxist technocracy. Haraway describes her beliefs as being rooted in the “…political myth faithful to feminism, socialism, and materialism.” The advent of becoming cyborgs is argued to be the next step in human evolution, and is claimed by these people to be “liberating”. These extreme feminist views, combined with socialist political ideology, and the cybernetics sciences has culminated in the push for a philosophy described by Haraway as ‘The Informatics Of Domination”. Sounds very liberating…
The blurring of gender lines is one of the key components to this technocratic agenda, and is a direct result of the technofeminist movement. In her book, “Technofeminism”, Judy Wajcman describes this process of blurring the lines of gender as follows:
“The idea that the internet can transform conventional gender roles, altering the relationship between the body and the self via a machine, is a popular theme in recent postmodern feminism. The message is that young women in particular are colonizing cyberspace, where gender inequality, like gravity, is suspended. In cyberspace, all physical, bodily cues are removed from communication. As a result, our interactions are fundamentally different, because they are not subject to judgments based on sex, age, race, voice, accent or appearance, but are based only on textual exchanges.”
The main idea here is the invariable homogenization of all beings into this neutral “cyborg” image. This technofeminist zeitgeist leads to the conclusive end of the transhumanist singularity. The oppressive “Borg” mentality of Star Trek becoming a stark reality is where this ideology leads. We can still turn our society around by simply rejecting this “image” that we’ve been given by those who are attempting to socially engineer humanity in this direction. Thank you for reading. Cheers!