“Special Access Programs” are classified projects spearheaded by quasi-government organizations (for example, DARPA), usually developed by private-industry military subcontractors with funding provided from an unacknowledged, circuitous monetary networks designed to bypass Congressional scrutiny. Individuals working on these projects need to attain special, compartmentalized “Top Secret” security clearance to be involved in these programs. Many times, they are also required to sign a “non-disclosure” agreement, stating that they will not divulge any secrets they may come across. The penalties for not complying with this agreement are pretty harsh, and can include significant jail time along with financial ramifications. The aerospace industry is one of the primary stakeholders within the “black budget” projects community. It is acknowledged that the aerospace industry has in the past developed secret technologies. It is also acknowledged that they continue to do so today. But, is there any public evidence of the existence of any of these programs? Through the years, evidence of some of these technological developments have slowly trickled into public view. Below are just a few of these alleged Black Projects, and some of the implications that their existence entails.
The first one we will look at, is the alleged “Aurora” program. Rumors of this development first started circulating in the 1990s. It is described as an obvious extension of the development of the SR-71 Blackbird program.
The next of these technologies we’ll look it is said to be a massive, lighter than air, floating surveillance platform called the “TR6 Telos”. Could this craft be responsible for the famous “Phoenix Lights” event of 1997?
Next, we will examine the case of the alleged “TR-3B”, also called the “Astra”, and sometimes referred to as the “flying triangle”. There were massive waves of sightings of triangular craft throughout the 1990s and early 2000s worldwide. Alleged whistle-blowers have come forward with information about these craft, but much of what they say can not be truly verified by anyone outside of the program. There is a high likelihood of disinformation mixed with some of their disclosures.
The next project we will look at is known as the “Lenticular Re-entry Vehicle” or the “LRV” for short. This is a nuclear powered orbital craft slated for development in the 1960s. It is claimed that it never left the drawing board, but has similar design specifications to an early project developed named “Frost-Manta” by a Canadian company called “Avro” that later went on to develop the top secret “Project Silverbug” for the U.S. military. There are also similarities to secret projects that were alleged to have been developed by the Axis Powers prior to and during World War II. This early project is known as the “Miethe-Belluzzo” Saucer design. A photograph of a similar craft taken near Phoenix appeared in the July 9, 1947 edition of the “Arizona Republic” newspaper. Many researchers have speculated that this may have been what crashed at Roswell in the now famous event.
Lastly, we will examine the alleged development of a craft known as the “Fluxliner”, also called the “ARV”, which alternately stands for “Alien Reproduction Vehicle” or “Anti-gravity Research Vehicle” depending upon who you talk to. The existence of this craft goes back to a story told by an attendee of a military airshow named Mark McCandlish. He claimed to have received a private tour by a high ranking general who showed him this craft sitting in a hangar, and gave him some basic information about it. I would discount a story like this altogether were it not for the fact that this craft seems to function according to the principles of the well-documented work of scientist, Dr. T. Townsend Brown, and has shocking similarities to what he described in his “Project Winterhaven” proposal to the U.S. Navy. The whole science of “electrogravitics” subsequently disappeared from public view shortly after Brown’s proposal in the late 1950s.
These are just a few glimpses we’ve been given into the world of “Black Budget” technologies. Maybe someday we will become privy to some of the information and results pursued through these various projects. In the meantime, keep looking up! Cheers!