New Study From The University of Chicago Proves That The Mandela Effect Is A Real Phenomenon...
"The Visual Mandela Effect as evidence for shared and specific false memories across people"
A new scientific study from the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago attempted to explore and explain the phenomenon known as “The Visual Mandela Effect”. The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon which describes consistent shared false memories. The Visual Mandela Effect largely represents a portion of this phenomenon which relates to well-known images or logos. This study attempted to relate the Visual Mandela Effect to a psychological memory concept called “schema theory”. Schema theory postulates that the brain sometimes organizes information based upon past experience and will sometimes associate an expected value with a particular image or memory. In this case, it was theorized that some of the images in this study were assumed by the schematized memory to have certain elements present. For example, a specific case in the study mentions that perhaps people remembering the “Monopoly Man” with a monocle (which he has never had) is due to the association between wealth and wearing a monocle. After carefully analyzing all of the data, the researchers discovered that seven of the images defied statistical probability, and concluded two things. First, the data showed that the Mandela Effect is a real phenomenon, and could not be adequately explained via schema theory, or any other single component of the memorization process. Additionally, the study concluded that the wide-spread, consistent, shared false memories of seven of the images were statistically significant and unexplainable, spurring new questions as to the nature of the phenomenon. The authors recommend further study into the nature of false memories. The study was accepted on March 28, 2022 and slated for publication by the journal, “Psychological Science” (publication date unknown at this time). A link to the study appears in the article attached below. Cheers!