In the age of digital censorship, it is now more important than ever to preserve a physical analog record of important information. The Alchemical Tech Revolution Podcast has been providing valuable analysis of current events and their connection to the secret esoteric doctrines of the various occult fraternities that steer our society and culture. In an effort to protect free speech and preserve valuable information for future generations, I am proud to present the “ATR Transcripts Series”. I hope you find value in these offerings.
- Wayne McRoy
I will be adding several new titles to the collection every week in the form of attractive paperback books. Purchasing an episode transcript that you find interesting is an excellent way to support my work and preserve the free expression of valuable ideas for future posterity, in spite of the digital censorship that is currently actively underway. A direct link to the series will be provided below. Right now, there are only two titles available, but new ones will be added as they become available. Thank you for your continued support, and God bless you all.