Are you an extremist? This seems like an unlikely question to ask yourself, but if you meet certain criteria, the Department of Homeland Security says you may be a threat for domestic violence. It’s very interesting that the apparatus of state deems only those ideologies that lie more towards conservative values “extreme”, with no such distinction being outlined for any type of left-wing values no matter how ridiculous or untenable they may be. You see, in the eyes of the state, right-wing equals domestic terrorism and violence, with certain notable criteria being outlined in DHS documents. What kind of criteria, you ask? If you are a military veteran, and you are construed by the state to be “disgruntled” (a purposely vague term), you are considered a domestic threat. If you are opposed to the U.S. being involved in foreign wars, you may also be considered a threat. If you get vocally upset about your constantly increasing taxes, you may be considered an “extremist”. If you support the idea of militias or “patriot” groups (another purposely vague term), you may be a violent extremist in the eyes of the state. If you oppose open borders, you may be a threat to the state. If you oppose things like abortion, climate change initiatives, or other “single-issue” topics (again, purposely vague language), then you may be some kind of violent extremist in the eyes of the state. And, lastly, if you are a vociferous “alternative media” analyst, such as myself, or if you support “conspiracy theories”, you are most certainly viewed as an enemy of the state. This is just scraping the tip of the iceberg as it pertains to what the “security” apparatus of the state views as potential threats to its power and authority. By officially outlining these vague descriptions as potential threats, they are setting up a justification for acting unilaterally against any or all of these “extreme” points of view, in the name of “the greater good”, of course. So, in a nutshell, if you question any portion of the state-sponsored narrative of officialdom, you could justifiably be considered an enemy of the state, and therefore your constitutionally guaranteed rights can be thrown out the window at the drop of a hat if the power structure deems it to be an appropriate measure at the time. This should be concerning to all Americans, not just those with more conservative leanings, yet here we are. Too much of the public is either unaware of these policies or apathetic to them because of the “that doesn’t describe me, so I’m not worried about it” mentality. Keep in mind, the language is so vague as to make almost anything a potential “violent extremist” threat. In light of the events of the past few years, how much do we really trust the judgment of those “authorities” in these positions of power? We have seen a great deal of either incompetence as a best case scenario, or purposeful harm done as a worst case scenario in the policies instituted over the course of the past two and a half years. Should we accept the authority of these people as gospel truth on these matters, or are there deeper agendas at play here? These are all questions we need to consider, so take some time to ponder upon these things today. I hope you find value in this article. If so, please consider checking out some of my other work. Links will be provided below. Thank you for reading. Cheers!
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It seems to be a worldwide response.
In Australia 'Divergent Thought' is considered dangerous:-
Queensland Police Service (QPS) recently issued a directive that all officers must report matters involving sovereign citizens, religious extremists and conspiracy theorists to specialist counter-terrorism teams. This is known as the Divergent Thought Directive. (20/2/23)